Rent a Team

Rent two CoD professionals to play Warzone and queue as a trio with you. On this page, you can customize your service by choosing the number of hours and any extra options. After the purchase, we will get you in touch with the players on Discord, where you can chat over voice and text to schedule a time. With the "Rent a pro" service type, you will play with very experienced players, have fun, and receive basic tips so you become a better player. If you are looking for a specific learning experience, you can browse the Coaching section.
express+50 extra ratingSlow Boost+1 Win the Following Week
FROM $65
Rent a professional trio to join you and play quads together for a set amount of hours predetermined on the bar. They will provide a minimal learning experience, but you will ensure yourself a stellar pair of squadmates that will definitely not let you down. After making your purchase, a conference will be made for you and your team on Discord, where you will be able to schedule and converse over voice and text. Your appointed team will be providing you with the most necessary tips, but if you were looking for an educational experience in particular, we would highly suggest considering our Coaching services. Also, don't forget to personalize your order based on your exact needs by using the extra options available below the bar.
express+50 extra ratingSlow Boost+1 Win the Following Week
FROM $95

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